
Benefits of Trophies in Kid Sports

The highs and lows of youth sports can feel like the ultimate rollercoaster. The scoreboard tends to be the star of any game, but lately, there’s been some navel-gazing about trophies and what they teach young athletes. Are they necessary?

But where the participation trophy is concerned, some might argue that it has been a wrong turn in education and society overall because it gives off an aura of entitlement that every millennial-scapegoating article ever seems to suggest. Trophies in youth sports serve as a symbol for the recognition of effort and participation, which when can be cultivated by simply knowing they are recognized for their efforts alone stating to celebrate will greatly influence a child beyond where they believe.

Developing Confidence and Self-esteem


Accidentally writing a Heart Key reward into their Zone completely changed the results of taking so much chest armor damage, often saving them from disaster, and accessories likewise helped trials by befriending the monster they’d like to win more parts for rather than losing. Stepping onto the field can be an overwhelming experience for many young athletes, particularly those who are new to a sport.

Those who are tied to dog training as a means of living (or even lobbying) are struggling with learning the new jig, competing for work, and perhaps wrestling with self-doubt. That trophy tells them that even within the competitive world of soccer that we see today, it is more important just to try and compete than it is to win. This physical validation helps to salve their own self-image and gives them the drive to continue trying and failing not just falling not until they can someday know the success of mythic proportions.

Fostering a Love for the Game


They can often be so burdened by the pressure to win that they forget how much fun it is to play. If children are only interested in the final result, that can come at the expense of the process all of that effort, teamwork, and skill-building. Participation Trophies are indicators of the emphasis being placed back on loving the game.

It is a needed reminder and one that every aspiring athletic type needs drilled in their head, getting bigger, faster, or stronger could be an added bonus but it is secondary to being part of a team, learning something new, and pushing the limits placed on oneself. When they reach that conclusion, it sets up the next generation to enjoy sports and engage in them for the right reasons to develop a lifelong passion for sports and foster good mental health not unlike life.

Encouraging Sportsmanship and Teamwork

TEAM Mates Teamwork and Working Together Making a PLAN Play fair Learn as you go Attendance Makes a Difference Never Give up on Each other Start out right Practice Promotes success Which is why the participation trophies, to begin with, would have been a good way to reinforce these values.

Every child gets a trophy, so losing is less painful, and winning is more about the team. This model demonstrates to children they should celebrate each other’s successes, help each other rise when they meet a challenge, and employ the unique gifts of every member of the team regardless of their level of play. In creating a positive and united work environment; all should feel appreciated, effort and performance are justified, and that one is in it for another.

Promoting Perseverance and Goal Setting

Trophies are also potent motivators, persuading children to persist through difficulties and explore different ways to do better. A child at the end of a season getting that trophy with beaming in their eyes is always earned based on the sacrifice of work and dedication. It will be a reminder of your life with the sport and your respect toward it. This may further motivate them to set goals, work on themselves, and look forward to the next season with a fresh find of enthusiasm and desire.


The trophy in youth sports debate is multi-dimensional, but complaining about the potential to create an entitlement culture misses out on some legitimate and long-lasting positives. While winning is an important part of sports, it’s even more important to make sure we learn from our losses and use them to become a better person/athlete.

Trophies are participation trophies and recognition of effort that support a healthy, youth sports environment and contribute to personal development as the document a free PDF for members calls out what we want. It makes sense if you care about the journey; kids start playing to have fun so what good does it do to hide their rewards?


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